Our Team


Dr. Sonja E. R. Leverkus PhD RPBio RPF PAg EP
Founder and Ecosystem Scientist​

Dr. Sonja Leverkus leads all aspects of Shifting Mosaics’ project work and operations. She is an ecosystem scientist with a PhD in Natural Resource Ecology and Management from Oklahoma State University with specializations in rangeland management, pyric herbivory, fire ecology, endangered species restoration, and biodiversity conservation. Dr. Leverkus studied under Dr. Sam Fuhlendorf, Groendyke Chair in Wildlife Conservation and Regents Professor at Oklahoma State University in the Natural Resource Ecology and Management Department. Dr. Fuhlendorf was awarded the Sustained Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society for Range Management in 2018. He was mentored by Dr. Fred Smeins, Professor of Ecology in the Department of Ecology and Conservation Biology at Texas A&M University, and a highly published expert, whose research focuses on the dynamics of rangeland ecosystems. 

Dr. Leverkus is a British Columbia Registered Professional Forester, Registered Professional Biologist, Professional Agrologist, and a Canadian Certified Environmental Professional. Dr. Leverkus is also a Certified Wildland Fire Practitioner through the Association for Fire Ecology.

Dr. Sonja Leverkus grew up on cattle ranches in Southern Alberta and the Rocky Mountains of BC, where she experienced firsthand the powerful forces of fire. She has lived remotely for the majority of her life, and is passionate about integrating science with traditional, cultural and local knowledge to ensure thoughtful, applicable, and effective management of our natural resources.

Phone: (250) 321.7069

Resource Professionals

Ralph Kermer
Sr. Wildfire Specialist

Ralph Kermer is a fire professional with decades of experience across Canada. He’s a recognized leader in delivering effective, culturally inclusive fire training & mentoring. He’s worked for the Government of Ontario, Northwest Territories, British Columbia, and Alberta and is a key member of our prescribed fire & wildland fire work.

Phone: (250) 321.3473
Dr. Gillian Leverkus PhD

Dr. Gillian Leverkus is an ethnobotanist with a deep understanding of ecosystems, particularly those of medicinal and traditionally used plants. She is experienced at working effectively with Indigenous communities. She also provides leadership and coordination for remote operations and fosters a highly safety-minded culture. 

Phone: (250) 321.4670
Alexis Jorgensen MSc

Alexis is an ecologist responsible for research, project leadership, administrative, and field support. She joined SMC in 2022 after studying wildfire recovery in Canada’s North with the Forest Ecology Research Group at Wilfrid Laurier University. Alexis brings a keen sense of curiosity and compassion to our team, and a strong foundation of scientific training. 

Phone: (250) 321.3473
Donovan Bertrand
Eco-Cultural Technician

Donovan has been working with Shifting Mosaics Consulting for five years, and is an emerging leader on our team. He is steadfast and reliable in every initiative he takes on. Donovan is a valuable team member and brings professional accountability and responsibility to all of our projects. He is a member of Acho Dene Koe.

Phone: (250) 321.2876
David Wilmsmeier
Eco-Cultural Technician

David is an emerging leader on the Shifting Mosaics team, bringing care and attention to each assignment he undertakes. He has gained in-depth knowledge of our unique approach and deliverables, enabling Shifting Mosaics Consulting to deliver the best possible client service.  David is a member of the Prophet River First Nation.

Phone: (250) 321.2876


Isaiah Behn
Eco-Cultural Technician

Isaiah is an experienced and knowledgeable field tech who brings a lifetime of wisdom to our team. His diverse skillset and capacity for working remotely are complemented by his training in the environmental field. Isaiah is a member of Fort Nelson First Nation and has worked with Dr. Leverkus for almost a decade. 

Shane Thomas
Eco-Cultural Technician

Shane was with Shifting Mosaics for nearly a decade, and gained extensive knowledge of all aspects of our work. His understanding of the land enabled us to mobilize traditional ways with science, delivering the best service to clients, while respecting the land and all who inhabit it. Shane is a member of the Fort Nelson First Nation.

Specialist Technicians and Scientific Associates 
Resource Technicians

Because our work is so varied, we have mobilized a vast network of professionals to contribute to our projects on an “as needed” basis. 

The skillsets we can engage include research scientists, wildlife and habitat specialists, aviation experts, advanced drone specialists, GIS and statistical analysts, among other strategic partners.

Based on the strength of our existing network, we are able to mobilize to execute projects of any size, specialization or scope. 

  • Registered Professional Biologists, RPBio
  • Registered Professional Foresters, RPF
  • Professional Agrologists, PAg
  • Environmental Professionals, EP
  • Certified environmental technicians
  • PhDs and MScs

Shifting Mosaics Consulting’s Resource Technicians are seasoned professionals with current certification and safety tickets. They possess all of the skills and qualifications needed to execute scientific and cultural fieldwork. The majority of our Resource Technicians are from the local Indigenous Communities. 

Beyond that, our Resource Technicians contribute unparalleled experience gained from working and living on the land, including a deep respect and understanding of wildlife and vegetation patterns. Their unique experience on the land brings great depth to our company’s work, and also enables us to operate in extremely remote locations, under challenging conditions. 

Operational Standards & Organizations We Belong To

Phone: (250) 321.2786
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